Andres Stucke

My investigation, conducted in the region of Lower Saxony, Germany, explores the biogeographical distribution of Tuber aestivum, an ecologically significant and gastronomically valued ectomycorrhizal fungus, also known as the burgundy truffle.
The primary objective of my research is to elucidate the myriad environmental parameters influencing the proliferation and spatial distribution of Tuber aestivum Vitt. (synonym: Tuber uncinatum Chatin.), focusing explicitly on geological substrates, edaphic (soil) characteristics, phytocoenosis (vegetation and host plant associations), climatic variables, soil pH, pedological types, topographical influences, soil fauna, soil funga, and other pertinent abiotic and biotic factors.


Soilcast SC060 Interview: Auf Trüffeljagt mit Andres Stucke
Soilcast SC054 SoilTalk: Mykorrhiza Mythos BUSTED!

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    Stand: Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2022